How To Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea

A diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a medical concern. This disorder increases your risks for serious health problems, such as chronic acid reflux, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, diabetes and heart disease. OSA affects around 25 million adults in the United States, which increases the need for sleep apnea doctors.

This sleep disorder causes you to stop breathing several times throughout the night. It can be from a few seconds to over a minute. Read on to find out how to treat obstructive sleep apnea.

Keep Your Airway Open

A dental device can keep your airway open while sleeping. A mouth guard is a common dental device used for treating sleeping disorders. It is customize for your mouth by your dentist. Impressions are made of your mouth to make your mouth guard.

This mouthpiece works by moving your lower jaw forward. It opens your passage way, which increases your air flow. Your mouth guard is also adjustable to increase your airway and provide comfort. It can be done in small increments.

Mouth guards for sleep apnea are FDA-approved and an alternative to continuous positive airway pressure treatment. Wearing one treats you for sleep apnea and stops you from snoring.

Eliminate Concerns

You may have some concerns about wearing a mouth guard. It may take some getting use to when having to sleep with a mouth guard for the first time. However, your doctor will try to eliminate your concerns. Most dentists try to decrease the amount of materials to make your dental device. This prevents the mouthpiece from feeling too thick in your mouth. It improves comfort, prevents tooth decay, increases efficacy and allows you to talk. Your dentist will select the best dental based on your dental history.

Get Masked With CPAP

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is another way to treat obstructive sleep apnea. This treatment requires going to sleep with a mask over your nose and mouth. The mask is attached to a machine that provides a continuous flow of air into your nose.

During special circumstances, surgery is often recommended. If you have enlarged tonsils, then they may require removal to improve sleep apnea.

If you have OSA, then it is hard to get a good night of sleep. Lack of sleep will start to affect other areas of your life. You may have problems at work or become irritable at your spouse. If you have OSA, then it is time to explore treatment options.
