Struggling With Your Sleep Quality? Look Into CBD Products

While everyone has the occasional night of poor sleep, chronic sleep deprivation can have deleterious side effects, such as affecting your cardiovascular system, immune system, and hormone levels. People with poor sleep habits may be prone to accidents and may suffer from cognitive impairment, such as having difficulties remembering or learning new things. If your sleep quality is suffering, it's important to reach out to your doctor for more help. If your doctor gives you the go-ahead, you may want to investigate nighttime sleep aids, such as CBD products.

How Could CBD Products Help Sleep?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is an ingredient that is derived from cannabis plants; unlike THC, however, it doesn't cause the high associated with marijuana. Since the nervous system has a network of cannabinoid receptors, CBD can be used to affect this system's processes. CBD is known as a biphasic drug, which means that low and high dosages can have different effects on the body. For example, a low-dose CBD product might produce a stimulating effect, which can help people have more energy throughout the day. If a high-dose CBD product is used, then it promotes a sedative effect and can help with sleep.

While more studies need to be conducted, one review of CBD products found that sleep quality was often improved in patients with chronic pain, PTSD, and multiple sclerosis. CBD could reduce sleep disturbances and decrease sleep latency. Medicinal CBD products can improve symptoms of people with chronic insomnia.  

Who Is a Good Candidate for CBD Usage?

Again, it's important to visit your doctor before starting CBD. For instance, if you get diagnosed with a sleep disorder, like obstructive sleep apnea, then CBD may not be a good choice as oral appliances and CPAP machines are the main treatment methods. If you are already taking a lot of medications, CBD may not be a good fit as there could be drug interactions.

CBD products are usually better for people who aren't diagnosed with a sleep disorder but have a generalized sleep issue, like insomnia from daily stresses. If you can't sleep because of nerve pain or muscle pain, CBD might be a good fit since it can reduce inflammation and help you sleep. CBD products may be helpful for anxiety disorders, but other mental disorders may not work well with these products. As you can see, there are so many factors to consider, it's best to talk with your doctor first.  

When Should You Take CBD Products for Sleep?

If you and your doctor agree that CBD products are a good fit, you'll need to shop around to find the right administration method. If you prefer ingesting CBD in drinks, food, or pills, you usually need to take the product at least half an hour before you go to sleep as it takes a while for the body to absorb the CBD. If you want quicker absorption and want to take CBD right before sleep, then a sublingual option may be best. If your poor sleep is caused by aching muscles or joints, then set aside about half an hour to work a lotion or massage oil with CBD into your skin before bedtime.

Reach out to a local CBD shop for more information. 
