Why Does Pregnancy Lead To Varicose Veins?
During your pregnancy, you will experience a number of changes to your body, but one of the most noticeable changes is the development of varicose veins. In most instances, the appearance of the veins is not cause for concern. The symptoms usually disappear after giving birth. However, if you are experiencing pain or other forms of discomfort, treating them now is a possibility. To help you find the right treatment option, here is what you need to know.
What Caused the Varicose Veins?
Your veins are responsible for transporting blood to your heart. When you are pregnant, changes in your body make it difficult for the veins to perform this task. You not only have an expanding uterus, but there is an increase in blood volume. The changes put pressure on the veins and can lead to blood accumulating in the veins instead of circulating as it should.
The accumulation is usually noticeable because your veins will start to look bluish or purplish. They might even look as if they are swollen. As the condition progresses, you can start to experience pain whenever you sit or stand for too long.
Although varicose veins can cause discomfort for you, they do not have any impact on your unborn child.
What Can You Do?
Your OB/GYN will likely recommend non surgical varicose vein treatment to help the problem. For instance, elevating your legs can help. When you raise your legs higher than your heart, your circulation improves.
You should also talk to your OB/GYN about your weight. Even though it is natural to gain weight during your pregnancy, there is a possibility that you could be gaining too much weight. The additional weight can make the discomfort from varicose veins more intense. Your doctor can help you identify changes to your diet that you could potentially make to safely control your weight throughout the remainder of your pregnancy.
Getting active can be useful. Exercise, such as walking, not only helps to keep your weight in control, it can help to promote good blood circulation. Talk to your doctor about the best exercise regiment for your current condition.
Your OB/GYN can determine if more serious medical intervention is needed to help alleviate your symptoms. If the symptoms from varicose veins persists beyond a few months after giving birth and you are in extreme discomfort, your doctor might decide to talk with you about different surgical options.