3 Emotions That Should Be Dealt with in Therapy
As an adult, it's easy to breeze through life being so distracted by your career, family, and social life that you fail to really get introspective and understand yourself. Even if doing so doesn't seem like an immediate priority, you may find that regular sessions with a therapist can help you move through the challenges that you face so that you feel better about your mental health—and are more likable to those around you.
Often, it's handy to identify whether you frequently find yourself dealing with any challenging emotions. You can then bring these examples to your therapy sessions to address them one by one. Here are three emotions that you should deal with in this manner.
It may be difficult for you to admit that you're jealous, but this is often an emotion that can be disruptive to your enjoyment of life. Whether you're jealous of colleagues at work or jealous of friends in your social circle, this emotion can often consume you. When you're jealous, you may be unable to have gratitude for the positive situations you're facing because you're too focused on being upset about someone else. Your therapist will help you to understand your jealous, be aware of it when it arises, and release it.
Some people who are anger dismiss it as saying they have a short temper, but it's advantageous to understand why you're angry. Anger can be an emotion that harms the relationships with those around you—for example, friends may become less eager to hang out with you if you're always getting upset. Anger can often have deep roots, and while it may be a challenge to talk about some childhood issues that could have given birth to this emotion, diving into the past can often help you in the present and future.
Some people can allow themselves to feel sad for a short period, and then move through it healthily. For others, sadness hangs over them like a dark cloud, threatening to make long stretches of time unpleasant. There can be any number of reasons for sadness to be a prevalent emotion in your life, but it's important to know that help is out there. When you focus on this emotion during therapy, you'll be able to gain an understanding of why sadness can dominate your life, as well as coping mechanisms that you can use to deal with the sadness without simply repressing it.
To learn more about what therapy can do for you, reach out to local mental health services.