6 Reasons To Vaccinate Your Child
After your child is born, there are several vaccinations that he or she should receive to keep from contracting serious diseases. The fight against not vaccinating children is on the rise because of varying points of view. However, the risk of vaccines is lower than the rewards. Here are some reasons why it's important to vaccinate your children.
They can save your child's life
Vaccines are created by using a deadly virus and creating immunity toward it. Receiving the vaccines will give your child immunity without ever having to contract the illness. Before vaccines, serious and life-threatening diseases were contracted by the thousands. The morbidity from illnesses such as polio, diphtheria, and smallpox has decreased 100% since the pre-vaccine era. Measles, mumps, and rubella have decreased 99%, and several others have decreased more than 80%.
The diseases are not dead
Many people argue that it's not important to vaccinate, because the diseases don't exist anymore. The only disease that is no longer in the US is the deadly strain of polio. The bacteria that causes these diseases is still alive. People just don't contract them, because so many people are vaccinated, the disease doesn't have a host to thrive in. Even diseases that have left the United States can return easily. It only takes one contracted person to get on an airplane and bring it over. The smaller amount of people that are vaccinated, the worse the outbreak will be if that happens. You don't want your child to be one of the people at risk.
They keep other people safe
Not vaccinating your children puts other people at risk as well. Not everyone can be vaccinated. Vaccines are made of several different components, and some have an allergy to one or more of them. An egg allergy is a common allergy that keeps children from being able to receive vaccines. Children who have compromised immune systems, a brain injury or other illnesses cannot receive vaccines either. These children rely on healthy children receiving vaccines and keeping the diseases at bay. If an outbreak happens because not enough people are vaccinated, those with compromised immune systems are at serious risk of death.
Reduce educational difficulties
Many public schools won't allow children to be enrolled unless they are up to date on vaccinations. Even if you plan to home school, your children could be denied extra-curricular activities. While you can file religious or medical exemptions, most states won't allow personal exemptions. If you ever need to use childcare, licensed daycares won't allow unvaccinated children either. You can find the states' laws on vaccines in schools on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
Protect your future
Even if life-threatening diseases don't result in death, they can result in life-changing disabilities. For example, when the Disneyland measles outbreak occurred, many non-vaccinating parents stated that they weren't worried because measles isn't dangerous. However, measles has a risk of leaving survivors with brain damage, blindness, and deafness. When polio reaped havoc before the vaccine, it left many survivors wheelchair-bound for the rest of their lives.
Eventually eradicate diseases
While these diseases are still a risk for everyone, regular immunizations can change that. Smallpox was so devastating; it was considered the world's most devastating disease. After the World Health Organization provided global immunizations, smallpox had no way to thrive and was officially declared eradicated in 1980. If everyone follows the same procedures for the diseases that plague society now, then eventually communicable diseases could potentially be eradicated as well.
Getting your child immunized on a proper schedule is important. It may seem like diseases aren't as deadly, but that's simply not true. They have lessened because vaccines have been keeping people alive for decades. If people stop vaccinating, large outbreaks will come back. To get your child immunized, contact a pediatrician by checking out a site like http://www.EntiraFamilyClinics.com.