3 Ways Your Teen's Braces May Break & What To Do About Them

Braces seem to be a right of passage for many teens. For parents, however, braces on their children's teeth typically means a heavy hit to their wallets. In a perfect world, the cost of braces wouldn't go beyond the initial quote from the orthodontist. But, everyone knows the world is not perfect, especially when it comes to teenagers. While many orthodontists do not charge to repair broken braces, some may have a limit on how many repairs are included in the total cost. It's important that your teen take good care of his or her teeth and braces to reduce the risks of breakage and reduce the dent in your wallet.

If your teen follows the long list of instructions, including what not to eat and how to take care of his or her braces, there may be a simple reason for the braces to break. Here are a few of problems with solutions for if your teen already has braces and solutions if you are considering braces for your teen:

Grinds teeth while sleeping

Problem: If your teen grinds his or her teeth while sleeping, they could be putting too much pressure on the pieces of the braces. This can cause the wires to break and the adhesive materials to reduce effectiveness. Any breakage of the wires can cause wounds to the inner cheeks and gums, which can lead to infection and scars.

Solution: Your teen can be fitted with a mouth guard designed specifically for people who wear braces. The mouth guard should be worn every night, but it may take some time for your teen to adjust to using them. Ask the orthodontist for more information.

Prevention: If you think your teeth grinds his or her teeth while sleeping, it may be a good idea to determine the cause of the grinding before braces get put on. Stress and anxiety can cause someone to grind their teeth while sleeping. Ask your teen's primary care physician to study your teen to see if there are underlying causes that may be contributing to teeth grinding.

Orthodontic devices are recycled ineffectively

Problem: Orthodontic devices can be recycled or reconditioned for reuse by other patients, as odd as that may sound. Using recycled orthodontic devices is a great way to reduce the costs and achieve affordable care. However, research suggests that the devices may or may not be effective based on the method used to recycle or recondition them.

Solution: If your costs are reduced due to using recycled or reconditioned devices, your teen may need to take extra precautions to take care of them. This may involve extra self-care in cleaning the pieces of the orthodontic device as well as of their teeth.

Prevention: If you choose recycled or reconditioned braces for your teen, ask the orthodontist what method was used to recycle or recondition them. According to the research noted above, the best method was determined to be industrial reconditioning and not sandblasting.

Teen is sabotaging the braces

Problem: If your teen does not like or want his or her braces, they may sabotage the braces by trying to break them. Again, broken wires may lead to risk of infection and scarring.

Solution: Stress the importance of the braces in aligning their teeth properly. Ask the orthodontist to talk with your teen about the importance of taking care of the braces.

Prevention: Before getting braces for your teen, ask your teen what his or her thoughts are about wearing braces. If they do not want to have braces, perhaps choose an alternative orthodontic device that may make them feel more comfortable, such as invisible braces or clear aligners.

Braces on your teen can lead to problems that could affect their teeth and oral cavity for the rest of their life. Speak with your teen's orthodontist if you have any further concerns. To learn more, contact a company like http://www.reedorthodonticsnaples.com with any questions or concerns you have.
