Facial Mole Removal - Reducing The Appearance Of Scars
If you have a mole on your face that needs to be removed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, then you may be concerned about the formation of a scar on your face. Scars are likely to form and the most significant ones will be present when wide, deep, and thick moles are removed from the face. Moles should definitely be removed to reduce your chances of forming melanoma, regardless of your scar fears. You can reduce the appearance of scars so they are smooth and consistent in tone. Follow the tips below to reduce facial scars during mole removal.
Reduce Inflammation
You may see some inflammation around the removal area once your physician uses either a scalpel or laser to release the mole from your face. Inflammation is a natural process that occurs when the body undergoes any sort of trauma. The body protects itself through inflammation and white blood cells rush to the affected area and fight off bacteria and other microorganisms that may have entered the body. The increased blood flow to the area also helps the body to get rid of damaged cells, and the body prepares for healing.
Unfortunately, inflammation can last too long and this can cause the formation of a scar. Fibrous tissues start to form underneath scabs almost as soon as they form. These tissues form bands and fill in the area where flesh has been removed. The new tissue is often harder than the skin in the surrounding area. If the face is inflamed when the tissues form, then they will be somewhat elevated. Scars will then be highly noticeable.
Sleep in an Inclined Position
One of the best ways to reduce inflammation after a mole is removed from the face is to sleep with your head elevated. If your head sits flat against your pillow or if it sits below your heart, then blood is likely to pool around the injured area as it moves through the capillaries that line your face. This is especially harmful, because your body rebuilds tissues while you rest in the evening.
To reduce the inflammation issue, make sure to use an ice pack on swollen areas of your face just before bedtime. Icing for about 10 or 15 minutes is best. Afterwards, stack two pillows on top of one another and lay your head on them. Also, try to sleep on your back to reduce pressure across the mole removal area.
Reduce Sun Exposure
When new tissues form on your face across the mole removal area, the tissues are not protected by large amount of melanin. This means your scar will likely remain white when exposed to the sun. This only happens once the area heals completely though.
If the new scar tissues are exposed to the harmful ultraviolet rays produced by the sun, then the cells will become damaged. The tissues can then darken and new fibrous tissues will need to form. This can cause uneven and raised areas to show up. Reducing sun exposure is the best way to prevent this from happening.
Wearing Bandages
Your face is exposed to the sun much more often than the rest of your body. A piece of clothing cannot be used to cover the area, so make sure the mole removal area is covered by a bandage instead. Keep a bandage in place for about two or three weeks until the initial healing period is over. Butterfly bandages are your best option to cover the wound. These bandages will not only protect the skin from the sun, but it will hold the edges of the skin closer together so less scar tissue needs to be created. Make sure to change bandages at least once a day to keep your face clean and dry.
Moles sometimes need to be removed if they are large, discolored, or misshapen. If you have a mole on the face that should be removed, then make sure that a noticeable scar does not form.