Fertility Issues And Endometriosis - 2 Procedures That Can Help
If you have been trying to conceive a child for several months or several years, then you may have a fertility issue. If your difficulties are accompanied by painful periods, heavy bleeding, and discomfort during intercourse, then you may have a medical condition called endometriosis. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissues that line your uterus grow around the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The tissues generally grow thick and damage healthy tissues in the area. Specialized treatments may be required if you want to become pregnant with endometriosis, and some options are explained below.
Laparoscopic Surgery
Many women with fertility problems start on hormonal therapy to help the body release more viable eggs from the ovaries. If you have endometriosis, then your body will respond poorly to estrogen. Estrogen will actually trigger the growth of endometrial tissues and your condition will worsen. In fact, many women with endometriosis are asked to take contraceptives to reduce hormonal fluctuations that trigger the overgrowth of tissues. This is not a good treatment option either if you are trying to conceive.
Surgery is a good option though, because a skilled fertility specialist or obstetrician can remove some of the extra tissues from the ovaries and fallopian tubes that prevent your reproductive system from working properly. The surgery is a laparoscopic one and involves a small camera placed through the belly button. The small incisions and tiny instruments help to reduce the formation of scar tissue around the ovaries.
Scheduling Your Surgery
If you are actively trying to conceive a child, then it is wise to schedule laparoscopic surgery as soon as possible. Endometriosis can damage the ovaries permanently and the removal of harmful tissues can prevent this. Also, if your condition is too advanced, then all of the endometrial tissue may not be removed and conception may not be possible. Tissues will start to build too after the surgery and you may only be able to conceive for a short period of time.
Once you go through surgery, you will be asked to reduce activities for a week or two. You can try to conceive a child afterwards, and you are likely to become pregnant within about one year after surgery once endometrial tissues are removed. Your pregnancy will stop the formation of new scars ad cysts as well. This means that you may want to try for a second child soon after conceiving the first before your endometriosis worsens again.
Tubal Cannulation
If sonogram, laparoscopic, or other imagery indicates that there is not a lot endometrial tissue on the outsides of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, then it is possible that a blockage lies within the fallopian tubes. To find out if this is the case, your physician will need to inject dye into the fallopian tubes. The procedures involves the placement of a catheter into the region. The dye is then viewed on an x-ray to see if the material passes through the fallopian tubes and into the abdomen. If the dye stops inside the fallopian tubes, then the stoppage will be found.
Once the blockage is found in one or both of the fallopian tubes, a tubal cannulation will be scheduled. During this procedure, your obstetrician or fertility doctor will use a catheter with a small balloon to force the blockage out of the tube.
Scheduling Your Surgery
Tubal cannulation should be scheduled quickly just like a laparoscopic procedure. The treatment is often only completed if there is a small blockage in one or both of your fallopian tubes. An abundance of scar tissue, large blockages, and formations far from the uterus may prevent the completion of the operation. All of these complications can occur as your endometriosis progresses.
If you have fertility issues as well as painful periods, then you need to meet with a specialist at a place like the Women's Clinic of Johnson County to see if you have endometriosis. Once a diagnosis is made, treatments can be started like the ones explained above to help you conceive.